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Take a look through our extensive collection of nearly 2,000 works of art. From historical, religious art to dynamic, contemporary art, you’re bound to discover something new.

Coming soon

In mid-April, Thrivent will host a special, one-of-a-kind collection making its first-ever U.S. stop—right at the Thrivent Art Gallery in downtown Minneapolis. Stay tuned for more details on how you can experience this exhibition for yourself.


Sculpture by late renowned artist Richard Hunt featured outside Thrivent's downtown Minneapolis office.
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Coming soon:
Paint + Paper

South Netherlandish Caravaggesque School, Christ at Emmaus, 1653. Oil on canvas (detail).
Explore thematic selections from the Thrivent Art Collection in a special exhibition, Paint + Paper. Featured artists include Rembrandt van Rijn, Albrecht Dürer, Sybil Andrews and George Bellows.

Opening August 12, 2024

Visit the gallery

Rembrandt van Rijn, Christ at Emmaus, 1654. Etching, burin and drypoint (detail).
Located downtown Minneapolis in the Thrivent Corporate Center, the Thrivent Art Gallery is open Tuesday through Thursday, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. CT, or by appointment.

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