Mission & vision

The Thrivent Art Collection serves the community by collecting, preserving and sharing works that inspire and educate on art, religion, history and culture.
Our vision
Art and access for all.
Humanity flourishes through the creation of art and sharing that art with others. Making this special collection accessible to all is a part of Thrivent's ongoing commitment to supporting the arts, culture, education and the community.”
Thrivent's commitment to communities
The Thrivent Art Collection is a vibrant expression of Thrivent’s history, purpose and values. At Thrivent, we believe humanity thrives when people make the most of all they’ve been given, and to empower lives of service and faith. With public gallery hours, educational programming and engagement events across the country, the Thrivent Art Collection is a distinctive expression of the organization’s commitment to supporting the arts, culture and our communities.
As a membership-owned fraternal benefit society that serves Christians, Thrivent recognizes the powerful connection between art and faith. This connection can be found through centuries of artists creating works to inspire, question and forge relationships.
This unique collection contains historical and modern examples of religious art and secular contemporary art. Together, the varied artworks form a holistic representation of who we are and those we serve—nurturing empathy and gratitude for our shared humanity. Thrivent values the arts and the rich educational and cultural expression they contain and takes to heart the responsibility of preserving and sharing art.